President Nana Akufo-Addo on February 27, 2024, delivered his 8th State of the Nation Address before parliament as demanded by the 1992 Constitution of Ghana.

The address highlighted the performance of some economic indicators and sectors that contribute to the country’s overall economic state of health.

In this fact-check report, GhanaFact sought to verify the accuracy of some of the claims made during the address.

Claim 1

“Last year, two hundred and seven (207) communities were connected to the grid, taking the current national electricity access rate to eighty-eight-point-eight-five percent (88.85%). ”


The Energy Commission of Ghana’s Energy Statistic and Balance Report-2023 shows that more than 88% of the country’s population has access to electricity.

The National Energy Statistical Bulletin for 2023 – which provides data on Ghana’s energy supply and use between 2000 to 2022 – states that 88.8% of the national population has access to electricity while the household electricity access rate is 86.8% of the population.

Source: Energy Commission of Ghana


Therefore, the claim is rated as accurate.

Claim 2

“Real GDP Growth for the first three quarters of 2023 averaged 2.8 percent, higher than the targeted growth rate of 1.5% for 2023.”


As per the data provided by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), the real GDP Growth for the first three quarters in 2023 (2023Q1, 2023Q2, 2023Q3) stood at 3.3%, 3.2%, and 2.0%.

The average rate over the three quarters is 2.8% compared to the targeted annual growth rate of 1.5% for 2023 as stated by the President during the State of the Nation Address.


Therefore, the claim is rated accurate.

Claim 3

“Ghana is ranked number one in West Africa and number seven in Africa in e-Governance.”


The available biannual data from the UN e-Governance Knowledgebase shows that Ghana was ranked number 1 in West Africa in e-Governance and number 7 in Africa.

In Africa, Ghana came 7th behind countries including South Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt while across West Africa, Ghana was ranked number one followed by Cape Verde and Cote d’Ivoire.

Source: UN e-Governance Knowledgebase


Therefore, the claim is accurate.

Claim 4

“Ghana is now ranked number one in Africa in terms of access to financial inclusion.”


To fact-check the claim, GhanaFact sourced data from AfricaNenda, an organization launched in 2021 that works with Central banks and government ministries to provide critical pre-project planning support.

According to the 2022 report of the AfricaNenda, Ghana and Kenya are the countries in the leading cluster having an increasing number of people using digital payments in their everyday lives.

Measuring the depth of usage, thus the proportion of digital payment users that use digital payments at least once a week, Ghana leads with 82% followed by Kenya with 80%.

The report segments countries with viable digital payment into three categories such as the leading cluster, emerging cluster and nascent cluster.

Source: AfricaNenda Report, 2022


Therefore, the claim is rated true.

Note: The word ‘penultimate’ in the headline has replaced ‘last’ in the original headline. This is because Akufo-Addo delivered his last State of the Nation Address on January 3, 2024.

By: GhanaFact Newsroom